
Technical info

In our test setup, we used two EC2 instances taking the roles of a client and an UltiHash cluster respectively. Each instance was of type m7g.2xlarge and had an gp3 EBS volume attached. Both instances were situated within the same VPC subnet in the eu-central-1 region --the same region hosting the S3 bucket used for throughput comparison.


FormatDescriptionSizeSpace savingsPUT throughput (S3)PUT throughput (UH)PUT time (S3)PUT time (UH)GET throughput (S3)GET throughput (UH)GET time (S3)GET time (UH)Link to dataset
RAWHuman and animal scans1.48 GB74%99.20 MB/s▼ 32.03 MB/s45.6 s▼ 141.3 s60.76 MB/s▼ 52.11 MB/s74.5 s▼ 86.8 s
TIFFImages of climate data16 GB46%84.44 MB/s▼ 37.26 MB/s183.8 s▼ 416.6 s61.33 MB/s▲ 110.21 MB/s253.1 s▲ 140.9 s
CSVDisease prediction symptoms1.4 MB42%3.00 MB/s▼ 0.15 MB/s0.4 s▼ 8.9 s4.19 MB/s▲ 55.20 MB/s0.3 s▲ 0.02 s
PNGCar license plate images213.6 MB29%4.31 MB/s▼ 0.46 MB/s47.0 s▼ 441.3 s6.07 MB/s▲ 56.71 MB/s33.4 s▲ 3.6 s
XMLCar license plate annotations1.8 MB15%0.01 MB/s▼ 0.0006 MB/s17.53 s▼ 436.6 s0.02 MB/s▲ 0.314 MB/s11.1 s▲ 0.8 s