Intelligent network management in telecoms


Telecommunication networks are under constant pressure from shifting demands that push their limits. During rush hour, mobile traffic spikes as commuters stream videos, make calls, and check maps or social media. Large-scale events like the Super Bowl or Glastonbury festival cause surges, with thousands of people sharing and streaming all at once. On top of that, providers must manage corporate demands, such as IoT software updates for fleets of devices like smart meters or industrial sensors, which can be deployed simultaneously and overwhelm systems.

These demands—whether from individual users or corporate needs—often happen all at once. To stay ahead of these dynamic challenges, telecoms rely on forecasting. By analyzing past data, they can predict traffic patterns and adjust their networks in advance.

Intelligent network management in telecoms

To keep networks running smoothly, telecom providers collect data from sensors placed throughout their infrastructure. These sensors track things like traffic patterns, congestion levels, and overall performance. The data is then analyzed using statistical methods to spot trends and predict potential issues. This helps telecoms plan ahead and avoid disruptions.

Advanced algorithms then work to manage the flow of data across the network. By monitoring traffic and rerouting it when needed, they prevent congestion and keep data moving efficiently, ensuring reliable service even during heavy use.

The stages of

Intelligent network management in telecoms

Data collection

Network sensors track traffic, bandwidth, signal quality, and equipment status. This data gives operators a 360 view of the network’s health.


Collected data is cleaned and prepped to remove errors or inconsistencies, ensuring it’s ready for analysis and optimization.


By analyzing past data, time series models (e.g ARIMA) help predict traffic patterns, congestion points, and potential issues.


Optimize decisions

GCNs analyze network layout, optimizing data flow by identifying less congested routes. It improves data transmission efficiency.



Based on insights from forecasting and GCN analysis, operators make strategic changes like rerouting traffic or adjusting bandwidth to maintain optimal performance.


Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA)
ARIMA is particularly effective for analyzing and forecasting non-stationary data where the mean and variance change over time. In a highly dynamic setting, for example, an urban area where network traffic patterns are influenced by unpredictable events such as concerts, sports events, or emergencies, ARIMA captures these trends and patterns by analyzing past data points and their relationships. This allows telecom companies to predict peak usage times and manage bandwidth accordingly, ensuring that networks remain robust and efficient even during unexpected traffic spikes.

Handling Non-Stationary Data
: ARIMA models are adept at managing datasets where mean and variance change over time by using differencing to achieve stationarity, ensuring accurate forecasts.

Capturing Autoregressive and Moving Average Components
: By considering both past values and forecast errors, ARIMA effectively models dependencies in time series data, capturing both short-term fluctuations and long-term trends.

Versatility in Model Tuning
: ARIMA does not require initial parameters configuration but allows for the customization of parameters to fit specific datasets, making it suitable for a variety of network environments and traffic patterns.
Holt-Winters is specifically designed for data with both trend and seasonality, making it perfect for forecasting network traffic that exhibits regular, predictable cycles. In a business district where network usage follows predictable patterns like daily office hours, weekly workflows, and monthly report submissions, Holt-Winters uses triple exponential smoothing to handle these components. This provides telecom operators with insights into daily, weekly, or monthly traffic patterns, allowing for proactive management of network resources, ensuring high service quality and reducing the risk of congestion during predictable high-traffic periods.

Handling Trend and Seasonality:
The model decomposes time series into level, trend, and seasonal components, allowing for precise adjustments and forecasting of seasonal fluctuations.

Exponential Smoothing:
By applying decreasing weights to older observations, Holt-Winters emphasizes recent data, keeping forecasts responsive to changes while ensuring stability.

Low Computational Complexity:
Holt-Winters is computationally efficient and easy to implement, making it suitable for real-time applications. Its simplicity allows for quick updates and forecasts without requiring extensive computational resources.
Long Short-Term Memory Networks (LSTMs)
LSTMs are crucial for advanced time series forecasting in telecommunications, especially where historical data is key to predicting future network behavior. These neural networks excel at modeling time-dependent sequences, making them ideal for forecasting network traffic, congestion points, and seasonal fluctuations. Trained on historical network data, LSTMs can capture long-term dependencies, detect unusual patterns, and account for recurring variations in network demand.

Supervised Learning
: Utilizes extensive historical network data to train models that predict future traffic patterns or potential network issues with high precision.

Long-Term Sequence Modeling
: LSTMs are highly effective in understanding sequences where past network behavior significantly influences future outcomes, such as traffic peaks or recurring congestion.

Complex Pattern Recognition
: LSTMs can detect intricate patterns within time series data, helping telecom operators anticipate non-linear or complex demand changes that traditional models might overlook.
Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs)
Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs) specifically tackle the challenge of optimizing and maintaining complex telecom networks. They do this by handling the inherent graphical structure of these networks, which are made up of various components such as switches, routers, and the connections between them. In such environments, nodes represent the hardware components, and edges represent the connections that facilitate communication between these components.

Topology Utilization
: GCNs are designed to work directly with graph-structured data, maintaining and exploiting the relational information between nodes. This is particularly effective in telecom networks, where data is inherently structured in graph form, representing various network components and their connections.

Localized Feature Learning
: Unlike traditional neural networks that process data in a global context, GCNs focus on localized feature learning from a node's immediate neighbors. This approach is crucial for efficiently extracting relevant features from large-scale networks without overwhelming computational costs.

Scalability and Efficiency
: GCNs are capable of scaling to large graphs thanks to their efficient computation that focuses on relevant portions of the graph. This makes them ideal for handling extensive telecom networks where analyzing every connection explicitly would be computationally prohibitive.
Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs)
Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs) specifically tackle the challenge of optimizing and maintaining complex telecom networks. They do this by handling the inherent graphical structure of these networks, which are made up of various components such as switches, routers, and the connections between them. In such environments, nodes represent the hardware components, and edges represent the connections that facilitate communication between these components.

Topology Utilization
: GCNs are designed to work directly with graph-structured data, maintaining and exploiting the relational information between nodes. This is particularly effective in telecom networks, where data is inherently structured in graph form, representing various network components and their connections.

Localized Feature Learning
: Unlike traditional neural networks that process data in a global context, GCNs focus on localized feature learning from a node's immediate neighbors. This approach is crucial for efficiently extracting relevant features from large-scale networks without overwhelming computational costs.

Scalability and Efficiency
: GCNs are capable of scaling to large graphs thanks to their efficient computation that focuses on relevant portions of the graph. This makes them ideal for handling extensive telecom networks where analyzing every connection explicitly would be computationally prohibitive.

Intelligent network management in action

Telecoms face constant pressure to handle dynamic network demand from both individuals and businesses, intensified as global data consumption over telecom networks is set to grow nearly 3x by 2027 (PwC).

The transition to autonomous networks is helping telecom operators address these demands with greater efficiency. While operators have already seen a 20% improvement in operational efficiency and an 18% reduction in network operation expenditure over the past two years due to automation efforts (Capgemini, 2024). 71% of operators have reduced energy consumption, with expectations of lowering greenhouse gas emissions by 30% over the next five years.

Most telecoms today operate at Level 1 or 2 autonomy, where tasks like network monitoring and basic decision-making are automated, but human intervention is still required for critical actions like troubleshooting or managing traffic surges. However, over 60% of operators aim to reach Level 3 where networks are able to make more dynamic decisions like automatically rerouting traffic or optimizing bandwidth by 2028.

Here are four key benefits that highlight the value added by these optimization efforts:

Intelligent network management in telecoms


Automated defect detection

Automated fault management is transforming network optimization and maintenance by leveraging machine learning algorithms to detect and resolve issues before they escalate. For example, Cisco’s deployment with a major service provider led to $8 million in annual savings and a 50% reduction in Time-To-Resolution (TTR), significantly reducing downtime and improving service quality.

The system’s continuous learning capability ensures it adapts to network updates and changing configurations, keeping fault prediction accurate even as the environment evolves. This adaptability is essential in a field where network setups frequently shift due to hardware and software upgrades.

By preemptively identifying issues, automated fault detection not only mitigates network failures but frees IT teams to focus on more strategic tasks. This shift boosts the resilience of IT operations and enhances the network’s ability to meet new business demands.

The operational benefits are clear: fewer outages, lower maintenance costs, and improved efficiency. In businesses where downtime means lost revenue and customer dissatisfaction, solutions like Cisco’s are becoming indispensable for maintaining and optimizing modern networks.


Predictive maintenance

Telecom networks face high stakes when it comes to maintenance, with scheduled upkeep demanding an average of 19 hours per week and unscheduled maintenance adding another 15 hours unpredictably. This unpredictability leads to significant operational strain and financial losses, with downtime costing around €6,238 per hour.

Traditional maintenance strategies—both scheduled and reactive—often fail to meet the needs of modern networks, where unexpected failures increase costs and disrupt service. Predictive maintenance, however, is changing that. By leveraging AI-driven technologies, such as those developed by Ericsson, telecom operators can detect and address issues before they escalate, significantly reducing downtime and operational costs.

With AI automating the analysis and management of network components, predictive maintenance enables networks to foresee and prevent outages. The integration of software-defined networking and automation creates systems that can self-manage, proactively resolving issues and making networks more reliable and efficient.


Traffic load balancing

Telecommunications networks must handle unpredictable spikes in data traffic—whether from daily usage, emergencies, or sudden trends—that can cause bottlenecks and degrade performance. To manage this, Network Service Providers are using AI-driven tools for traffic load balancing, optimizing network routing and capacity to ensure seamless service. These systems adapt to fluctuations in real time, improving service reliability and user experience.

Technologies like the RAN Intelligent Controller (RIC) are at the forefront of this transformation, with major telecom companies such as Deutsche Telekom, AT&T, and Vodafone leveraging it to enhance network performance:

  • Deutsche Telekom: By using RIC’s predictive AI algorithms, Deutsche Telekom has reduced network downtime by 30% and cut maintenance costs by 25%. The system anticipates potential failures and preemptively addresses them, significantly improving reliability.
  • AT&T: AT&T has applied RIC to optimize spectrum allocation. The system dynamically adjusts based on real-time demand, improving spectrum utilization by 15% and reducing congestion during peak times.
  • Vodafone: RIC helps Vodafone enhance energy efficiency by predicting traffic loads and adjusting power consumption accordingly. This has reduced energy consumption by 20% while improving network performance by 15%.

These examples show that traffic load balancing isn’t just about managing data flow—it’s about transforming network operations. With predictive AI and advanced load management, telecom operators can be more proactive, ensuring efficient use of resources while maintaining high service quality. This shift is key for handling growing data volumes and achieving more sustainable, future-ready networks.


Energy consumption optimization

As demand for faster and more reliable telecom networks rises, especially with the rollout of 5G, energy consumption in the sector has surged. Energy costs now account for 20% to 40% of telecom companies’ operational expenses (OPEX), with the impact especially high in regions reliant on diesel power. This growing energy demand not only drives up costs but also contributes significantly to carbon emissions, creating a dual challenge: reducing expenses while addressing environmental sustainability.

With data traffic expected to rise over 20% annually until 2030, telecom operators face increasing pressure to manage both aging infrastructure and emerging technologies like 5G. Effective energy optimization is no longer just about cost-cutting—it’s also essential for reducing the industry’s carbon footprint and aligning with global sustainability goals.

Leading companies like Schneider Electric and Siemens are providing smart energy solutions for the telecom sector. Their systems monitor energy usage in real time, leveraging advanced analytics to automatically adjust power consumption based on network load. These intelligent solutions help operators cut costs, improve network reliability, and reduce environmental impact, making energy management a key driver of sustainability in the telecom industry.

UltiHash supercharges

Intelligent network management in telecoms

Managing the data tsunami

Time series forecasting require large datasets spanning years to accurately capture long-term trends, seasonality, and fluctuations, improving the precision of predictions by using both historical and newly collected data. For instance, telecoms store network traffic logs (CSV, Parquet, HDF5) over months or years to track and predict bandwidth usage. As data grows, traditional storage systems often struggle to provide the scalability for diverse data formats and high volumes.

UltiHash eliminates redundant data on a byte level, independently from data type and/or format, allowing companies to save significantly on their data volumes.


With UltiHash, organizations can handle vast amounts of time series data. Its advanced deduplication technology optimizes storage by eliminating redundant data by up to 60% space savings. This reduction in storage allows companies to store large datasets spanning years while minimizing the associated costs. UltiHash supports multiple data formats, such as CSV, Parquet, and HDF5, enabling seamless management of time series data, ensuring that storage never becomes a bottleneck.

Taming unpredictable performance

Time series forecasting requires efficient handling and processing of large datasets to produce accurate forecasts where industries such as energy and telecommunications can face significant setbacks if data processing is delayed. The need for frequent updates, model training, and regular data checkpointing places substantial demands on storage systems. These systems must provide high IOPS to handle tasks effectively. Ensuring rapid data access remains crucial as data volumes increase, particularly important for models like ARIMA, Holt-Winters, and LSTMs, which all rely on extensive historical data to identify trends and make predictions.

UltiHash’s lightweight algorithm and tailored architecture for AI operations ensure high throughput and low latency, enabling fast and predictable data access for both read and write operations.


UltiHash delivers the high throughput required for time series forecasting, ensuring rapid access to historical data for model training and production forecasting. With its optimized architecture, UltiHash allows for fast data retrieval, enabling models like ARIMA, Holt-Winters, and LSTMs to process large datasets and make accurate predictions without delays. UltiHash ensures that forecasting runs smoothly preventing business operations to slow down.

Bridging the integration gap

Time series forecasting often need to integrate with various data sources, tools, and platforms and ML frameworks like TensorFlow or PyTorch. The ability to seamlessly integrate forecasting systems across cloud and on-premises setups is crucial for efficient operations, especially as businesses scale and adopt hybrid cloud strategies. These systems must support interoperability with existing data pipelines, ensuring a smooth transition without disrupting operations.

UltiHash’s S3-compatible API and Kubernetes-native design ensure seamless integration with enterprise infrastructure - cloud or on-premises.


UltiHash provides seamless integration with cloud and on-premises environments, supporting hybrid cloud strategies and ensuring that time series forecasting models can operate without disruption. UltiHash enable interoperability with ML frameworks like TensorFlow, PyTorch, and data management tools. This allows organizations to easily incorporate UltiHash into their existing infrastructure while improving data flow.