Speech-to-text in global communication


Speech-to-text technology is breaking communication barriers, enabling businesses to scale faster and work more efficiently. By converting spoken language into text instantly, it simplifies everything from global collaboration to customer engagement. Teams can now communicate seamlessly across languages, while automated transcription and translation make time-consuming tasks effortless. This empowers companies to process and analyze conversations at scale, turning voice data into actionable insights for smarter decisions.

Whether it’s improving accessibility in remote work, analyzing customer sentiment, or creating searchable archives of audio content, speech-to-text transforms businesses operations. It eliminates manual processes and opens new opportunities for efficiency, outreach, and innovation, allowing businesses to focus on growth instead of routine tasks.

Speech-to-text in global communication

The end-to-end process of speech-to-text starts with capturing audio from various sources like conversations, video conferences, or recorded calls. This raw audio is then cleaned up—removing background noise and improving clarity— ready for analysis. Once the data is prepped, advanced algorithms convert the speech into text, handling different accents, languages, and speech patterns.

But it’s not just about turning sound into text. The system also understands the context and meaning behind the words, making the output more accurate and actionable. Whether it's real-time transcription, generating insights from customer interactions, or powering virtual assistants, the end-to-end process ensures that spoken language is not only transcribed but enriched with the right context to make it useful.

The stages of

Speech-to-text in global communication

Collect data

Audio is captured from sources like microphones, smartphones, or call centers and stored in formats such as WAV, MP3, or FLAC.

Preprocess data

The audio is cleaned to remove noise and normalize volume. If spectrograms are used, CNNs analyze them, ensuring high-quality.


Speech Recognition + Feature Extraction

Traditional systems use HMMs to align audio with phonemes. Modern systems rely on Conformers to capture dependencies, improving transcription accuracy.


Language Understanding Analysis

LSTMs or Transformers analyze the transcribed text for meaning and context. Conformers may also be used.


Response generation

The system generates an output, such as transcription, or providing responses, essential for applications like virtual assistants.

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)CNNs are particularly useful when transforming audio signals into spectrograms—visual representations of sound. They excel at recognizing patterns in spectrogram images, which helps systems accurately interpret speech and improve transcription.

Feature Extraction
: CNNs process spectrograms to identify patterns in sound frequency and time, enabling systems to distinguish between different phonemes and tones.

Robustness to Variations
: CNNs handle variations in audio, such as changes in pitch, background noise, and pronunciation, improving speech recognition accuracy across different environments.

Supervised Learning
: CNNs are trained on labeled spectrograms to enhance recognition capabilities across diverse audio conditions
Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) In speech recognition, HMMs have been a traditional workhorse for modeling the sequential nature of spoken language. Although largely replaced by more advanced models, HMMs are still used in some legacy systems and specific applications where simplicity and low computational cost are prioritized.

Temporal Sequence Modeling
: HMMs model the temporal structure of speech by capturing transitions between phonetic states over time. This probabilistic approach enables systems to understand how phonemes combine into words, despite variability in pronunciation.

State Transition Probabilities
: By modeling the likelihood of moving from one phoneme to the next, HMMs accommodate variations in speaking speeds and accents, which helps predict the sequence of sounds.

Legacy Use
: Though often replaced by modern models, HMMs are still relevant in specific applications that don’t require the power of neural networks, providing a reliable, resource-efficient option for speech recognition in simpler environments.
Conformers are a cutting-edge architecture that merges the best aspects of CNNs and Transformers, making them ideal for high-performance speech-to-text systems. They are designed to handle both local feature extraction and long-range dependencies, which are critical for understanding complex speech patterns.

Combination of CNN and Transformer
: Conformers incorporate CNN layers to capture local dependencies (e.g., phoneme recognition) and Transformer layers for long-range dependencies (e.g., sentence structure), resulting in a model that is highly accurate for speech transcription.

Efficiency and Accuracy
: Conformers strike a balance between computational efficiency and transcription accuracy, making them ideal for real-time speech-to-text applications and large-scale data processing.

State-of-the-Art Performance
: Many modern speech-to-text systems are built on Conformers, which outperform older models by providing more accurate transcriptions, especially in noisy environments or with diverse accents.
Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) In speech recognition, HMMs have been a traditional workhorse for modeling the sequential nature of spoken language. Although largely replaced by more advanced models, HMMs are still used in some legacy systems and specific applications where simplicity and low computational cost are prioritized.

Temporal Sequence Modeling
: HMMs model the temporal structure of speech by capturing transitions between phonetic states over time. This probabilistic approach enables systems to understand how phonemes combine into words, despite variability in pronunciation.

State Transition Probabilities
: By modeling the likelihood of moving from one phoneme to the next, HMMs accommodate variations in speaking speeds and accents, which helps predict the sequence of sounds.

Legacy Use
: Though often replaced by modern models, HMMs are still relevant in specific applications that don’t require the power of neural networks, providing a reliable, resource-efficient option for speech recognition in simpler environments.
Conformers are a cutting-edge architecture that merges the best aspects of CNNs and Transformers, making them ideal for high-performance speech-to-text systems. They are designed to handle both local feature extraction and long-range dependencies, which are critical for understanding complex speech patterns.

Combination of CNN and Transformer
: Conformers incorporate CNN layers to capture local dependencies (e.g., phoneme recognition) and Transformer layers for long-range dependencies (e.g., sentence structure), resulting in a model that is highly accurate for speech transcription.

Efficiency and Accuracy
: Conformers strike a balance between computational efficiency and transcription accuracy, making them ideal for real-time speech-to-text applications and large-scale data processing.

State-of-the-Art Performance
: Many modern speech-to-text systems are built on Conformers, which outperform older models by providing more accurate transcriptions, especially in noisy environments or with diverse accents.

Speech recognition systems in action

In today’s digital landscape, speech and language processing systems are revolutionizing how businesses operate, from automating customer service operations to enabling real-time transcription and translation. The global speech and voice recognition market is projected to grow significantly, reaching USD 84.97 billion by 2032, with a CAGR of 23.7% during the forecast period (2024–2032). This rapid expansion highlights the increasing importance of these technologies across industries. By harnessing vast amounts of audio data, these systems enable companies to streamline operations, enhance customer experiences, and reduce operational costs, all while ensuring seamless human-machine interaction.

As the demand for voice-driven applications grows, businesses are increasingly leveraging speech and language processing to drive efficiency and productivity across industries.

Speech-to-text in global communication


Accent Adaptation for Virtual Meetings

When teams are spread across the globe, accents can sometimes create barriers, leading to misunderstandings and slowing down collaboration. For businesses working across different regions, it’s not uncommon to need clarifications in meetings just because of the way something was said. Real-time accent adaptation technology tackles this by adjusting accents on the fly, making conversations easier to follow and keeping everyone focused on the discussion instead of the differences in speech. The foundation of this technology relies heavily on speech-to-text systems, which first transcribe spoken language into text for analysis and modification. Once processed, the adjusted text is converted back into speech with a neutralized or targeted accent.

Companies like Sanas are leading the charge with AI tools that neutralize accents in real time, integrated into platforms like Zoom. This tech boosts clarity and productivity in virtual meetings, especially as more companies operate with global teams. With remote work now a norm for 85% of companies, tools like these are becoming essential to help teams communicate more smoothly, avoid repeated explanations, and keep meetings efficient.


Customer Sentiment Analysis

Understanding customer sentiment is crucial for businesses to improve service quality and address issues quickly. By transcribing customer calls into text, speech-to-text technology allows companies to analyze the tone and emotions behind conversations, providing actionable insights at scale.

CallMiner, for example, offers a powerful platform that transcribes and analyzes customer interactions in real time. Its AI-driven analytics engine can detect emotions like frustration, satisfaction, and urgency, helping businesses uncover trends that might otherwise go unnoticed. Companies using CallMiner have reported improvements in customer satisfaction and a reduction in call resolution times by up to 20%.

Similarly, Amazon Connect integrates speech-to-text for call centers, enabling organizations to analyze thousands of customer interactions daily. Its AI-powered tools help businesses not only transcribe calls but also categorize them based on sentiment, allowing teams to prioritize urgent issues and improve service efficiency. By leveraging insights from speech data, businesses can fine-tune their customer engagement strategies and address pain points before they escalate.

These tools provide businesses with the real-time feedback needed to enhance customer experience, increase retention, and make data-driven decisions that boost overall service quality.


Multilingual Communication for Virtual Collaboration

In global teams, language barriers can create friction, slowing down collaboration and leaving some team members out of critical conversations. Real-time transcription and translation tools help bridge these gaps, ensuring everyone can contribute, no matter their native language.

Otter.ai is at the forefront of this shift. Initially known for its accurate meeting transcription, Otter.ai has expanded its capabilities to support multilingual teams, offering real-time transcription and translation in over 20 languages. During virtual meetings, the tool listens, transcribes speech, and presents it in text form to participants in real time, making discussions more accessible and reducing the need for constant translations or clarifications.

Beyond just transcriptions, Otter.ai's features also allow for collaboration within the platform itself. Attendees can highlight key points, add comments, and share the transcripts with others, ensuring that critical information is captured and easily accessible after the meeting. This functionality is invaluable for teams working across time zones, where not everyone can attend live meetings. Recorded meetings are automatically transcribed, and the searchable text makes it simple to catch up on discussions.

For global companies, Otter.ai is more than just a transcription tool—it's a communication equalizer that ensures that language is never a barrier to effective collaboration.


Content Search and Indexing for Large Audio/Video Libraries

In the media and entertainment industry, production teams often deal with hundreds of hours of video footage for a single project, making it nearly impossible to manually sort through the content efficiently. Speech-to-text technology changes that by transcribing and indexing these files, turning them into searchable datasets.

For example, production companies can use tools like IBM Watson to transcribe interviews, scenes, or behind-the-scenes footage, allowing editors to search for specific keywords or phrases across hours of material. This dramatically reduces the time spent manually reviewing content, as editors can instantly locate relevant clips. According to a Gartner report, AI-driven content indexing can reduce production times by up to 20% because it automates the labor-intensive task of finding the right footage. Instead of scrubbing through hours of video, editors can jump straight to the moments they need by searching for specific words, topics, or even speaker identities.

By enabling quick access to specific segments of audio and video, speech-to-text indexing helps media teams focus on the creative aspects of their work, while automating the time-consuming task of searching through archives, leading to faster project delivery and reduced costs.

UltiHash supercharges

Speech-to-text in global communication

Managing the Data Tsunami

Speech processing systems primarily handle large volumes of audio data in formats such as WAV and MP3. These systems accommodate different languages, accents, and background conditions which increases the size of datasets required for training. These systems often rely on spectrograms that further contribute to the overall data volume. Handling these extensive datasets poses a significant challenge for traditional storage infrastructures, which struggle to keep pace with the exponential data growth.

UltiHash eliminates redundant data on a byte level, independently from data type and/or format, allowing companies to save significantly on their data volumes.


With UltiHash, speech processing systems can efficiently manage the immense volumes of audio data and derived representations generated during both training and deployment. UltiHash’s advanced deduplication technology capitalizes on the high redundancy in similar audio files, resulting in up to 60% space savings. This reduction in storage requirements allows companies to significantly cut costs and optimize resource usage across both on-premises and cloud infrastructures.

Taming Unpredictable Performance

High-throughput is critical for training speech-to-text models. During the training process, models must access large datasets and perform numerous computations while managing frequent checkpointing to ensure data integrity and allow resumption from specific stages in case of interruptions. Without sufficient throughput, training times extend, limiting the ability to iterate and improve models efficiently.

UltiHash’s lightweight algorithm and tailored architecture for AI operations ensure high throughput and low latency, enabling fast and predictable data access for both read and write operations.


UltiHash provides high-throughput access to large audio datasets and spectrograms, whether stored on-premises or in the cloud. This ensures that deep learning models can be trained fast, with efficient checkpointing and data retrieval, while real-time operations, such as transcription or voice commands, remain smooth. UltiHash ensures that the development and deployment of voice-driven applications can proceed without performance bottlenecks.

Bridging the Integration Gap

Integrating speech processing systems with a diverse range of tools and platforms often creates bottlenecks. These systems rely on multiple layers of technology, including audio preprocessing frameworks, deep learning models, and natural language processing engines. The lack of standardized interfaces and protocols can lead to inefficiencies and delays, particularly when organizations need to connect legacy systems with newer technologies or deploy solutions across multiple infrastructures.

UltiHash’s S3-compatible API and Kubernetes-native design ensure seamless integration with enterprise infrastructure - cloud or on-premises.


UltiHash simplifies the integration of speech processing systems across infrastructures, including cloud and on-premises setups. Its compatibility with ML frameworks such as TensorFlow and PyTorch, along with data pipelines like Apache Kafka, ensures seamless connection with different tools. UltiHash provides the flexibility needed to minimize disruption and accelerating the development and deployment of voice-driven technologies.